The world and its people have found themselves captive under the iron grip of a tyranical monster. The self-proclaimed supreme leader has stolen everyone's motivation in the world and is using it as a valuable source of power to create a powerful army of robots. It is up to you, a silly young lad brimming with motivation, to take down the supreme leader's harsh tyranny, destroy his factory, and restore everyone's motivation.

This game was made for FBLA Game & Sim and was submitted on 01/08/2024.

Credits to Sawyr for making all the amazing music and sound effects for this game. Check out his spotify linked in the embed below.


Left and right Arrow Keys to move horizontally

Up arrow to jump

Z to punch

Z while moving in air (left or right) to Dash

Z while pressing down arrow in air to ground pound


A to jump

X to punch

Hold left or right on the left thumb stick to move horizontally

Move the thumb stick left or right mid-air and press X to Dash

Hold down on the left thumb stick while mid-air to Ground pound


Dash and groundpound consume MOTIVATION

Hearts are the fire on top of the motivation meter

If each icon under the motivation bar is full, you can use its respective technique (Dash and groundpound)


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I really liked it! The bosses have really awesome designs and cool animations. I'm not sure if I finished it or not because the camera wouldn't advance after a killed a rolly head dude, but the game was very fun! I loved all of the charm put into the animations and polish. Super impressive and awesome looking