Note: It's reccommended you play this game with fullscreen! There's no issues with UI formatting but it's pretty hard to play the game looking at such a small screen.


In Those Who Snow, you play as a young boy who has his greatest wish fullfilled, a giant candy cane appears at his doorstep! There is only one thought on the boy's mind, to slide down the candy cane! (Sounds fun, doesn't it?)


You must slide down the candy cane without losing momentum. If you lose your momentum, you'll fall off the candy cane! There will be obstacles in your way, and your momentum (and velocity) will build over time, making it harder to avoid obstacles and maintain your momentum! This offers a fast-paced challenge that tests your reaction speed and your patience ;)


Note: I highly reccomend you play the tutorial, the button on the top left of stage 1 will take you there!

Flip left/right: A and D (respectively)

Let go of candy cane: Hold left click

Grab candy cane: Release left click

There is a stage select as well as volume sliders in the settings.


Music & Sound Design: Sawyr

Programming & Art: ChenzoDevo

Playtesting & Screenshots: Collin LeBlanc (Cornelius)

This game was made for the Christmas Jame Gam 2024!

If you have any questions or issues with game, leave a comment!

Or if you like the game you can leave a comment too :)


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Very challenging and fun game, I love the backstory!